Prodigal Father, Pagan Son Book review.

11 Apr

The true life events in Prodigal Father, Pagan Son give readers an inside look for what it was like for a boy to be born into the Philadelphia Pagan Motorcycle Club. The descriptive recount of “Little Tony” or “LT”, born the son of the leader of the Pagans shows both an angry and emotional upbringing into a violent and chaotic world during the prime of the Pagans Motorcycle Club.

Growing up with a mother who is a drug user and alcoholic, and a father who was in and out of prison, he was raised by the streets and a club whom had become almost a surrogate family. Forced into a life of sex, drugs and violence, “LT” had been to over a dozen funerals by the age of thirteen.

The raw honesty and horrendous recounts of events give readers a sense of empathy, and you can’t help but imagine the travesties that the character endures as a young boy. The theme of becoming stray has an important emotional meaning during the first part of the book. From the stray dog that bit off part of his ear, to the stray cat that bit a the member Mongo and transmitted rabies which ended up killing him. “Strays were forgotten, tossed into alleys…” (Pg. 75), which was how “LT” felt, he thought of himself as a stray.

The powerful characters in the book each brought their own personal influence into “LT’s” life. From his own father Maingy, a man the readers can not help but love to hate due to the relationship with the author and eventual betrayal of the club, to Saint, a man that ended up being the fatherly figure the author looked up to. Each character brings a different influence into the author’s life. “LT” himself goes through a delicate act of balancing his internal life with the club and mingling with the “citizens”. He was always able to adapt to his surroundings with his keen observation, which became his most valuable trait as a Prospect of the club.

Prodigal Father, Pagan Son is written with emotion, detail and brilliant imagery. The book is able to capture the audience with authenticity and believability. The raw, to-the-point structure gives concrete facts, and can be an emotional read.

For more information on the book, check here.

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Posted by on April 11, 2011 in Uncategorized


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